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Batallas en la V1

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Batallas en la V1 Empty Batallas en la V1

Mensaje por kurtkbain 10/9/2008, 14:57

Mejor en un tema aparte porque es muy largo. Ni que decir tiene que todo esto es confidencial y susceptible de ser cambiado, por favor no comenten por ahi:

How a region becomes a battle zone?”

A region becomes a battle zone if the President decides to attack. When the battle starts the region has 100.000 defensive points. If the region has a defense system than they will receive + 10%*defense system quality. So if a region has a quality 2 defense system than they will start from 120.000 defensive points. But to be secured after the 24 hours there must be still equal or more than 100.000 defensive points in the battle, as it would be without the defensive system. The attackers deletes points from the defensive, while the defenders adds points.

You can have more battles in the same time in the same region but in different wars, if that region is bordered by different enemies.

What informations will appear in the fight page

I. Header zone

* Page title: WAR - BATTLE FIELD + wiki link
* Countries - In the left side will be shown the attacker country with its allies and in the right side the defending country with its allies (if any). Where the allies are shown under each country, the text should look like: "+ X allies"
* Back button - link to the war page (should be called 'War')
* (Region name) Battle
* Before the 24 hours have passed will show the time until the region can be secured or conquered (hour/minute/seconds) - with color gray usually, red in the last 15 minutes. Afterwards, if the battle is still active will appear the messages: A region is conquered when it has no more defensive points and can be secured when it reaches 100.000 defensive points.
* Heroes - on both sides should be presented the top fighters (by the total number of damage done in that battle) from that battle on each side (avatar + username).
* If the battle is ended will appear a big text saying: “Region has been conquered by Country” or “Region has been secured by Country”.

***How much time a battle lasts?***

A battle can end:

* when the defending soldiers rises the defensive points above 100000. This only after 24 hours since the battle has started when a Defending Citizen fights;

* when the attacking soldiers lowers the attacking points to 0 or bellow. This only after 24 hours since the battle has started when a Attacking Citizen fights;

* When Retreat button is pressed.

* When a peace treaty is signed.

***What happens when a Citizens secures a region***

If you are a Citizen of the country that owns the region or an ally of that country in that war, the 24 hours since the region became a battle zone have passed, you fight in the battle and you reach the defensive points above 100000 (can be even more, as if the 24 hours passes, nothing happens as a defender is waited to fight) than the region is secured.

When the region is secured this will happen:

- the region is not anymore a battle zone. Another battle can start in that region only if a condition from “How a region becomes a battle zone?” happens.

- "Region was secured by Country” - will be shown in the homepage

***What happens when you conquer a region***

If you are a Citizen of the country that attacks the region, the 24 hours since the region became a battle zone have passed, you fight in the battle and you brought points to 0 (can be even less, as if the 24 hours passes, nothing happens as a attacker is waited to fight) than the region is secured.

Conquering a region will make the following actions:

- the region is not anymore a battle zone. Another battle can start in that region only if one condition from “How a region becomes a battle zone?” happens.

- the region and the city will belong to your country

- "Region was occupied by Country” - will be shown in the homepage

- all the soldiers are taken out of the battle;

- if the region has a hospital or a defense system, it will be deleted

- from the accounts of the country that lost the region will be taken x% of the gold and local currency and transferred to the occupying country. X%= (100/Number of regions of the attacked country).

1. if is the last region of the defending country than all the companies (including newspapers), parties and Citizens will belong to the occupying country, and all the wars that the defending country has are over;

2. if is not the last region than:

a) if it was the capital city, it will be no more and the new capital will be the biggest region (in terms of population) belonging to the defending country.

b) all the Citizens that lived in that region and are Members of Congress, Country President or Party President and during election days the candidates for Country presidency (5th of the month), party presidency (15th of the month) and congress candidates (25th of the month) must automatically be moved to the (new) capital of their country (run from the occupied region). If they have companies, their companies remain in the old region and they are still managers.

c) the rest of the Citizens will be automatically taken out from the parties they belong.

d) Companies in that region will belong now to the new country and will NOT receive a license to sell in the new country (the license has to be bought). Also all the employees will remain hired at that company even those who are in a different region so that will be in a different country from the company that they work for. They will continue to work being payed with the old currency as in the contract they agreed when they we're hired. Also, the companies offers on the human resources market should be deleted.

If a citizen is in the trivia while secured or conquered than the results of his fights won't be valid anymore.

II. Battle history

* Title of the page: War - Battle Field - History + wiki link
* Back button - link to the battle page ('Battle Field')

The Battle history area will be closed when entering an active battle page and will not load unless the Citizen doesn't click the “Battle history” link. Clicking that link will open the list of the fights that happened in that battle. Info: Citizen username, avatar and level, damage done in that fight, when he fought (days, hours, minutes - the newest fight should appear in the first page). For attackers the damage will look like: “-x” (x is the damage done in that fight) and should be marked with red. For defenders will look like: “+x” and should be marked with green.

If the Battle is over and the region was secured or conquered than the history tab will be opened every time someone accesses the page.

Will be presented also a search field so that you can search for a particular citizen.

Pagination: 10 fights shown per page.

III. The fight

Short description: constantly showing fights. Automatically should appear a new fight. Will be 2 columns "Latest fights". In the left will appear the attacking fights, in the right the defending ones. Each fight will come from up to down. If it becomes the fifth, at the bottom, will be taken out from the column when a new fight appears. The minimum time that a fight can be visible is 3 seconds. The fights will be shown by avatar, username and "+/- damage" (+ with green, - with red).

In the middle it is the defending value of the city (visual and as a value). The plus given by the defense system should be marked.

You will be able to access the "Fight" button only if:

1) you are a Citizen of the country that owns the region OR you are a Citizen of an ally (see Declare war to see what an allied country is) of the country who owns the region OR you are a Citizen of the country which attacks the region -- message for citizens that cannot acces the fight page: "You cannot join this fight because your country is not involved in this war"

2) if your strength is not bigger than 0 -- message for citizen with 0 strenght: "You cannot join this fight because your strength must be higher than 0."

3) if your wellness is bigger or equal to 30 -- message for citizen with wellness below 30: "You cannot join this fight because your wellness must be higher than 30."

4) if you, as an attacker, don't have in your country regions under attack by other countries -- message for citizen that cannot join: "You cannot join this fight because your country is under attacked. Please secure your country regions first."

5) if you have at least 25 EP or if you had bought a Unlock features pack

If all 5 conditions apply you will start the fight. Otherwise will appear a message telling what the problem is.

Joining a battle will make the next things to happen:

* the citizen loses 10 wellness for joining, and 5 wellness for every wrong answer from the trivia questions. If you choose to skip trivia you should have -20 wellness less by default;

* the Citizen receives 2 Experience Points;

* On each fight that he takes, if a Soldier has a weapon in his inventory than he will use it in that fight (if he has more will be used the weapon with bigger quality). That weapon will be erased from the Soldiers inventory after that fight.

* it is calculated it's basic force. The force will be calculated this way: Force = Strength * Wellness * Rank * Weapon * Trivia


Wellness = 100% + (wellness – 75)%

Rank = 100% + (10*Rank level)%

if weapon exists => Weapon = 100% + (10*Weapon quality)%

if weapon doesn't exists => Weapon = -50%

Trivia = 1 + Trivia points/2

* the trivia module starts. Each question responded correctly gives you 1 point. If the question is answered in less or equal to 5 seconds than is considered a super-shot and gives you 1 extra point When entering the battle will show you "-10 wellness",

when responding a correct answer in more than 5 seconds will appear "Correct answer +1 damage point",
when responding a correct answer in less or equal to 5 seconds will appear "Super-shot +2 damage points",
incorrect answer or time passed "No correct answer -10 wellness".

When not responding correct to the questions you get -10 wellness for each one. But when getting out of the battle, if you have less than 10 wellness points than will show 10 wellness points.

* In the end the total damage is shown as a value composed by the number of right answers, plus the super-shot answers, plus the calculated damage. It should show "Attacking force x points. region has now y defensive points." Where x is the total damage and Y is the defensive points of the region after it was added the points of the citizen (if he was a defender), or was deleted the points of the citizen (if he was an attacker).

After a battle the log is recorder in the history and will appear in the “Battle history” area. If you have 5 out of 10 points ( consider 1 point for a correct answer question and 1 point for a super shot question) than will youl have a Super-fight!. Each super-fight will be recorded on your rank (just like it was considered a win in the previous version). If you advance to a better grade than automatically will appear "Congratulations, you are now a (new rank)"

Military rank grades:
rank level 1: for 0 to 5 super-fights won you are a Private,
rank level 2: 6 to 15 Corporal,
rank level 3: 16-30 Sergeant,
rank level 4: 31-60 Lieutenant,
rank level 5: 61-120 Captain,
rank level 6: 121-250 Colonel,
rank level 7: 251-500 General,
rank level 8: 501-more Field Marshal.

If your wellness after the battle is bellow 30 should appear the message “Your wellness is at a very low level. Find out how to recover your wellness and fight again.” The link “How to recover your wellness” will go to the 'Buy wellness page'. If less than 30 level of wellness after the fight than, only once per day the hospital will give you the health bonus (10*hospital quality).

Under each of the columns showing the latest fights should appear in the 2 sides the heroes (the citizens that made the biggest number of points in that battle from each side) - username, avatar, number of points.

After a Citizen fights for the first time in a day, on this page should appear a button named "Hospital" that should direct to the region page where is the hospital. There (on the region page) under the hospital should appear a button named "Heal" that should give you wellness = 10*hospital quality.

Those buttons only appear with all this conditions applied:
1. After a Citizen fought in a battle in that day.
2. If the Citizen did not went to the hospital in that day.
3. If the Citizen has under 100 wellness.
4. If the Region has a hospital.

Edad : 35
Sexo : Masculino

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