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MP de los Turcos

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MP de los Turcos Empty MP de los Turcos

Mensaje por fedegen 7/22/2009, 21:48

Turkish Headquarters

Hello Mr. President,
As you might have known, after the lack of communication with PEACE, with the election of our president and appointed talented ministers, we began international negotiations with the various countries and we are still going on. We faced some sad and confusing diplomatic issues in our country altough the general opinion was still being determined to join PEACE as a member. It seems that we have overcome these issues but we think that our ally and friend countries’ thoughts about us are important. Our country has begun to get on track to our way of prosperity with the inrease in citizen numbers, our aim is to improve our relationship with our fellow countries. So at that point, we would like to know your genuine thoughts about our country. We are about to withdraw our request regarding the negotiations with PEACE right now and if we are informed about your thoughts about our alliance, we would be happy to start negotiations with PEACE with the charter conditions of the alliance.
We are waiting for your message.
MoFA of eTurkey

Edad : 44
Sexo : Masculino

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MP de los Turcos Empty Re: MP de los Turcos

Mensaje por Irenfrea 7/23/2009, 03:59

La gran mayoria de PEACE es amigo de Turquia, el unico bondi es con el tema Grecia, los griegos estan queriendo entrar y Turquia no esta muy de acuerdo que digamos. En todo caso un MPP con Turquia no afectaria en nada.

Edad : 42
Sexo : Masculino

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