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Cambios en las reglas de ATLANTIS

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Cambios en las reglas de ATLANTIS Empty Cambios en las reglas de ATLANTIS

Mensaje por Tiranicida 9/30/2008, 20:59

Bueno se esta votando los cambios en el tratado de ATLANTIS y quisiera saber su postura... yo se que es una locura que se este votando hoy y que cierre mañana la votacion... pero bueno... los otros se quejan de que se dilato mucho el debate para llegar a esto.

Les dejo el tratado en Ingles (pido por favor alguien que tradusca)
I suggest we change the Atlantis Treaty both to allow the alliance to grow but still be easy to administrate and that we adopt the treaty to the new Rules in V1 where MPP's will start to cots gold.

This is my suggestion of a new Atlantis Treaty. What's written in blue is added and whats written i red is suggested to be removed.

Article I

Membership, Expulsion, and Resignations

1. Becoming a member
* Any nation may join the alliance with a majority vote of 4/5, there are two types of membershipis in Atlantis, Passive Members and Active Members. Active Members are obliged to give strong military support to other members who are attacked. Passive members are not obliged to give support but are also unable to Vote in the alliance.
2. Current members
* All members must hold an active MPP with every other member nation.
* Once a nation has joined, they must wait 90 days until posting a resignation.
3. Expulsion
* A member may be expelled with a 4/5 majority vote of the rest of the membership.
4. Resignation
* Any nation wishing to leave the alliance must post a resignation.
* Seven days after the resignation is posted, the nation is officially considered as having left the alliance.
o For those seven days the treaty still has effect.

Article II

Voting, Presidents, and Representatives

1. Choosing a representative
* Each active member nation's president may appoint a representative to take the place of the president in all votes.
* Each active nation's representative (whether it be the president or not) has one vote for each vote that takes place. No more than one vote per active nation.
2. Role of Presidents
* The president's signature is needed to activate membership into the alliance, and also to sign their country's resignation.

Article III

Amendments and Cancellation

1. Amendments
* All amendments to this treaty must be approved by a majority of 4/5.
2. Cancellation
* This treaty may be dissolved with a majority vote of 4/5.
o After the vote has taken place the treaty will become void after 24 hours.

Article IV

Diplomacy and Intelligence

1. Diplomatic moves and treaties
* All member nations must keep each other updated on their diplomatic moves, including signing of treaties.
2. Security
* All member nations must inform each other of any and all intelligence that is directly related to the security and well being of the other members.

Article V


1. Defence of a member nation
* All active member nations must provide economic and military support if war is declared upon another member nation.
2. Fight for Freedom Defence
* No member nation is obliged to help another member if that member is being attacked under the "fight for freedom" module, except for when the nation's original regions are under threat.
o Original region is defined as a region that was part of the member nation before the war that has caused the fight for freedom.
3. Defence of an outside nation
* If a nation that is not a member of ATLANTIS has war declared upon it, a majority vote of 2/3 of the alliance is needed to provide military and/or economic aid to the victim.
o All member nations that vote for the defence of the nation shall then help the war defence effort.
o All member nations that vote against the defence of the nation may choose whether to help the war defence effort or remain neutral.

Article VI


1. Declarations of war
* All declarations of war by a member nation of ATLANTIS must be announced to the alliance at least 48 hours prior to declaring the war. Permission is not needed to declare war.
o No other member nation is obligated to provide aid to the member declaring war, but may do so if they wish.
2. Aid during aggression
* No member nation is allowed to aid against another member nation. If they do not wish to support the war, the only option they have is to remain neutral in the matter.

Article VII

Treaty Violation

1. Punishment for violation
* Any nation responsible for breaching any part of this treaty is obligated not to establish any other MPPs with any nation outside of the alliance for 30 days after breaching the treaty.
* Any nation responsible for breaching articles I, V, and VI are obligated to pay a sum of 100 GOLD to each other member nation, unless voted otherwise with a 4/5 majority of the remaining membership.

Basicamente se cambia que no hace falta tener un PPM y sugieren que esten realmente activos miembros y paises.

Yo votaria a favor sin preguntar... pero me parece que esto no solo me incumbe a mi.

Edad : 45

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Cambios en las reglas de ATLANTIS Empty Re: Cambios en las reglas de ATLANTIS

Mensaje por Gush 9/30/2008, 21:49

Jake, Kurt...

Me pasan el Link del foro de Atlantis?. Gracias

Tengo la pc formateada, y perdi los links

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Cambios en las reglas de ATLANTIS Empty Re: Cambios en las reglas de ATLANTIS

Mensaje por P4 10/1/2008, 01:07

No es mucho el cambio, solo quieren asegurarse de que no les va a soltar la mano ninguno de sorpresa con la nueva modalidad de MPP y tienen que apurarse por que no se sabe si en alguno de los paises asumira algun rebelde.

Edad : 37
Sexo : Masculino

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Cambios en las reglas de ATLANTIS Empty Re: Cambios en las reglas de ATLANTIS

Mensaje por kurtkbain 10/1/2008, 08:05

A mi me parecen buenos cambios, la inclusion de paises pasivos puede ser un ebun punto a favor.

Edad : 35
Sexo : Masculino

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Cambios en las reglas de ATLANTIS Empty Re: Cambios en las reglas de ATLANTIS

Mensaje por kurtkbain 10/3/2008, 11:13

Al final se ha aprobado.

Edad : 35
Sexo : Masculino

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Cambios en las reglas de ATLANTIS Empty Re: Cambios en las reglas de ATLANTIS

Mensaje por Pier 10/3/2008, 13:12

perfecto Wink

Edad : 35
Sexo : Masculino

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